Results for "Timaru"

38 results found

New Zealand Weather in May

New Zealand Weather in May

What is the Weather Like in New Zealand in May? Want to avoid the tourist crowds, travel more spontaneously by not having to book too far in advance, and even save heaps of money on your travels? Then
New Zealand Weather in June

New Zealand Weather in June

What is the Weather Like in June in New Zealand? Planning a trip to New Zealand in June? Then you’re going to want to know the typical temperatures, weather patterns and general New Zealand weat
New Zealand Weather in July

New Zealand Weather in July

What is the Weather Like in July in New Zealand? Welcome to New Zealand in winter! While most travellers choose other “sunnier” seasons to see the country, July is actually a fantastic tim
New Zealand Weather in March

New Zealand Weather in March

What is the Weather Like in New Zealand in March? Considering travelling New Zealand in March? It’s an excellent time to travel the country while the weather still has the warm temperatures of s
New Zealand Weather in September

New Zealand Weather in September

What is the Weather Like in New Zealand in September? September is a fantastic time to travel in New Zealand. As it’s early spring in New Zealand during September, you’ll experience the co
New Zealand Weather in November

New Zealand Weather in November

What’s the Weather Like in New Zealand in November? Travelling New Zealand in November! Then you’ve picked the perfect time to soak up some warm New Zealand weather while experiencing the
New Zealand Weather in December

New Zealand Weather in December

What is the Weather Like in December? Travelling to New Zealand in December? Then you’ll need this quick guide to the New Zealand weather in December. December is a great time to travel in New Z
Krzysztof Golik on Wikipedia

6 Essential Pitstops for Your South Canterbury Road Trip

Quirky South Canterbury Towns Worth Stopping By! Away from the hustle and bustle of the New Zealand cities, South Canterbury is where you will find those more-Kiwi-then-Kiwi towns. From the flat farmi

10 Underrated Places to Visit in Canterbury

The Hidden Gems of the Canterbury Region Stretched between snowcapped mountains and the Pacific Ocean, Canterbury is one of the largest regions in New Zealand. But the main focus on the area is only l
50 Best Places to Experience Māori Culture in New Zealand [2024]

50 Best Places to Experience Māori Culture in New Zealand [2024]

Where to Experience the Māori Culture in New Zealand Hāngī, hongi, haka, poi, whānau, marae, tiki, Aotearoa… What does it all mean?! All becomes clear once you have partaken in a Māori cult